Airbus A400M


The Belgian Air Force has taken delivery of its first of seven Airbus A400M military transport aircraft on December 22, 2020. The aircraft was handed over at the A400M Final Assembly Line in Seville (Spain) and subsequently performed its ferry flight to the 15th Wing Air Transport in Melsbroek (Belgium), where the aircraft will be based.

This A400M, known as MSN106, will be operated within a binational unit composed of a total of eight aircraft, seven from the Belgian Air Force and one from the Luxembourg Armed Forces. Under the operational control of the European Air Transport Command (EATC), the BNU A400M conducts missions on behalf of Belgium and Luxembourg and for the six EATC member nations as well

as for the 30 NATO Allies and the European Union member states under the Movement Coordination Centre Europe.


Overall length 45.10 m 

Overall height 14.70 m 

Wing span 42.40 m 

Cargo hold length (ramp excluded) 17.70 m 

Cargo hold height 3.85 – 4.00 m 

Cargo hold volume 340 m3 


Maximum Take Off Weight 141 000 kg 

Maximum Landing Weight 123 000 kg 

Maximum payload 37 000 kg 

Internal fuel weight (density 0.8 kg/l) 50 800 kg 


EuroProp international TP400-D6 11 000 shp 40 000 ft 


Maximum operating altitude 40,000 ft

Maximum cruise speed (TAS) 433 kt

Maximum cruise speed (CAS) 300 kt 

Cruise Speed 0.68 – 0.72 M


Range with maximum payload 1,780 nm

Range with 30 tonnes payload 2,400 nm

Range with 20 tonnes payload 3,400 nm

Ferry range