Visit Our museum

Opening days and hours : 

  • Every Monday and Thursday 
  • From 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs

NB. A request for a visit during the weekend will be submitted to the chairman for approval.

Closed on :

        • Holidays
        • April 15 – King’s Birthday

Option 1. Procedure for visiting the Dakota Museum

Everyone is invited for a guided tour to our restored aircraft, for awalk in our museum and for a pleasant get-together in our cafeteria afterwards.

This can be done every Monday and Thursday afternoon, individually, or with family and friends, or with your association or with school classes.

Since we are located on a military site, some formalities have to be fulfilled for security reasons. 

That’s why your request must be addressed to and must be submitted at least 5 working days before the desired visit date. Your request should include the following information:

  • desired date of the visit,
  • surname and first name of all participants,
  • number of the identity card (592……….) of all participants,
  • make of all vehicles you want to use to join us
  • registration numbers of these vehicles.

Option 2. Procedure for a joint visit to the 15 Wing Air Transport +  the Dakota Museum.

In case of a request for this combined visit, your request needs to be done by e-mail to the following address : .

Then the visit on the operational side takes place in the morning, after which there is an opportunity to have lunch in the « Mess all Ranks » , and finally the visit to Dakota takes place in the afternoon. 

Please note that this combined visit is only possible on Thursdays and not every request can be approved. 


Do you want to eat something during your visit to Dakota ?

If desired, the Dakota museum offers some options for a nice lunch or afternoon tea. If you wish to make use of one of these options, please state this clearly in your visit request. 

Lunch Between 11.00 hrs and 14.00 hrs :

Lunch at 15 euros per person, including :  

  • An assortment of fresh mini sandwiches (5 per person)
  • 1 coffee/tea or 1 soft drink or 1 light beer. 


Afternoon tea between 14.00 hrs and 16.30 hrs :

Afternoon tea at 15 euros per person, including :

      • An assortment of different cakes – 2 pieces of cake per person
      • 2 x coffee/tea or 2 x soft drinks or 2 x light beer. 



Important note : 

Again, if you wish to make use of one of these options, please state this clearly in your visit request! Thank you.