Support our museum


Support our museum !

We would like to mention that :

  • We don’t get any subsidies at all ☹☹☹
  • Everything you see in our museum has been realized with our own, very limited resources!
  • And by our own enthusiastic and super-driven team! 
  • And we are quite proud of that !! ☺☺☺

You can support us by becoming a member of our association

Anyone can become a member, no military background is required.

The membership fee is € 20.00 on an annual basis. 

This will help us to collect the necessary funds that will allow our volunteer employees to execute the best possible management of the association and, above all, to safeguard our patrimony.

All you have to do is transfer 20 € to our account number BE11 4381 0641 2148 stating your surname and first name, address and preferred, your e-mail and your telephone or mobile phone. It goes without saying that, in accordance with current privacy regulations, your data will only be used by the Dakota Documentation Centre and will never be passed on to third parties.

A new membership can also be implemented during your visit. Payment is then made “cash” to the person in charge of the cafeteria or by using “Payconiq”.

Once your membership is registered, three times a year we provide you with a copy of our magazine “Dakota News”, containing the ins and outs of our association, news about the 15 Wing Air Transport, about the Air Force and about aviation in general. 

You can also support our documentation center by donating to our account BE11 4381 0641 2148, stating “Sponsoring Dakota”. 

We thank you very much and guarantee your money will be well spent!